Ezra McCandless lived in the town of Eau Claire, with her boyfriend Jason Mengel. However when Ezra McCandless met Alex Woodworth, things went sour. This would eventually lead to Ezra McCandless sh...
CrimeDiagnosis 777 viewsValerie McDaniel and Leon Jacob began dating after they each divorced their partners. They had a loving relationship, but, when one of Leon Jacob's past mistakes came back to haunt him, he nee...
CrimeDiagnosis 730 viewsUPDATE: $650,000 settlement reached https://bit.ly/3olApna Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClTjur-9cx8Bb4MW8r0K6xw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/audittheaudit Twitter: https://t...
TheEvidence 861 viewsJoanna Yeates disappeared shortly before Christmas in 2010, and a massive search began across Bristol. When her body was found shortly after, the hunt for her killer began, with Christopher Jeffrie...
CrimeDiagnosis 755 views