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TheEvidence 613 VistasBrenda Delgado was dating Rick Paniagua. When they broke up, Ricky started dating Kendra Hatcher. Brenda Delgado was not happy about this, she was very stalker-y of Ricky. And so, a plot, with Bren...
CrimeDiagnosis 661 VistasBecome a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: LIVES...
TheEvidence 704 VistasCameron was given a second chance in life thanks to his adoptive parents, but fast forward 21 years and they would pay for this decision with their lives. What followed was a disturbing phone call to ...
CrimeDiagnosis 653 VistasAmber Heard LOST IT In Court!! Are Her Own Lawyers TURNING ON HER?! Johnny Depp Is Winning! Rumors are swirling that Amber Heard's lawyer Elaine Bredehoft yelled at her inside the court room s...
TheEvidence 691 VistasHead on over to to get Dashlane on your first device and all premium features for the first 30 days. Then to upgrade to premium permanently, use code CHAPTER to get...
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